Organisational Contracting

Organisations may request some feedback on workplace coaching assignments, but in order to safeguard confidentiality, effective initial contracting issues can help maintain such boundaries. There are a number of professional issues that need to be taken into account when coaching in an organisational setting.  Coaches who work in a business environment are likely to be…

Giving Effective Criticism

Giving Criticism can be as hard as receiving it. Holding on to negative feelings doesn’t help. Criticism does not have to be a dirty word.  It is possible to learn from the thoughts and views of others and if handled in the right way can get the point across without insulting the other person or…

Dealing with Criticism

It is probably fair to say that most people do not like being criticised.  Intellectually we may appreciate that criticism is a valuable source of information.  However, it is not something most people welcome and some have no idea how to deal with criticism when it is made. The Coach can help the client deal…

Making Small Talk the CBC Way

When faced with new social situations many people feel anxious and uncomfortable believing that they do not know what to say and will come across as boring.  People fear what is usually called “small talk”.  Many practised conversationalists know that it is possible to have an excellent conversation by getting the other person to do…

The Art of Story Telling

Executive or Business Coaches sometimes find that their clients have difficulties making presentations. Although there are many courses that focus on the strategies of presentation making – such as the use of PowerPoint, body language and the like very often the importance and impact of using stories to illustrate presentation points or keynote speeches is…

Getting The Best Out of The Time You Have

Here are five of my favourite strategies for managing unwelcome interruptions and getting the best out of the time you have: Telephone headsets allow your hands to be free to get on with other tasks. Some calls may need your undivided attention but many do not and there are ranges of headsets to choose from….

How to Structure Ongoing Coaching Sessions & Review

Following on from my last post where we looked at the structure of a first coaching session, here’s how to structure ongoing coaching sessions and review. Review Coachee’s mood and current situation – this means checking how the person feels, what has happened and where believe they are now.  However, this should not become the…

Structuring Coaching Sessions

Many new coaches wonder how to structure sessions to ensure maximum benefit is gained by the Coachee.  The following structure is adapted from that used in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy.  The Cognitive-Behavioural Coaching model is a popular one due to its natural leaning towards a focused, skill based approach with individuals. First Meeting Confirm Coaching arrangements and…

Why Coaching Supervision is Important

“I have recently qualified as a coach and during my training received coaching supervision for my work. However, now that I have qualified and have over 100 hours of coaching practice I don’t feel as if I need coaching supervision as I am doing well and would have nothing to talk about.  I keep seeing…

Tips on Publicizing Internal Coaching Programmes

“I am an internal coach who is part of a 10 strong team and we are finding that whilst many colleagues are happy to use us, the senior managers are not.  We’ve tried to publicize our work and get appointments with the individuals concerned to discuss what we offer.  Our company has invested heavily in…