Personal Coaching Services

Diverse group of people Personal Coaching, also known as Life Coaching, is used to help you design, plan and instigate successful life strategies. Personal Coaching focuses in a more holistic way on any aspect of your life that you would like to improve. For example, helping you become more assertive with your friends and family; enabling you to tackle people and situations you have avoided, and helping you overcome a personal block such as taking up a healthier lifestyle. Other blocks might include stress, confidence issues, overcoming negative thinking, perfectionism and dealing with work related difficulties.

Coaching is offered via telephone and Skype as well as an individual face to face offering.

Coaching is:

  • Practical
  • Skill based
  • Individually tailored to each person’s requirements
  • Fitted around your life and your needs
  • Outcome driven
  • Usually short-term
  • Not a substitute for personal motivation – you still have to take responsibility for the problem, the changes you make and the amount of work you choose to do!


I have brought together a number of highly experienced associates. They are experienced in working in a variety of sectors as Cognitive-Behavioural Coaches and hold a range of qualifications. This means that coaching clients can opt to work with one of my associates. All associates work to the same assessment and coaching structure to ensure a consistent quality offering.

How can Cognitive-Behavioural Coaching help me?

Cognitive-Behavioural Coaching (CBC) aims to help you gain a perspective about whatever is troubling you. We work together to identify what might be stopping you from reaching your full potential and what action you need to take to change your situation.

The aim of CBC is to help you change your behaviour to that which is more productive and rewarding to you. The process helps you move towards becoming the kind of person you want to be, attaining the outcomes you desire both personally and professionally.

I had always felt that I was an underachiever and knew this was down to a lack of self confidence. After employing Gladeana to offer me confidence coaching, the only regret I have is that I did not meet her sooner. She was able to offer me a range of strategies, emotional support and helped me deal with situations I never thought I would be able to. I owe her a great debt of gratitude.”G.J. Blackheath, London

I was stuck in a job and life I did not want. When I started coaching I was not even sure if it would work but felt I had to do something. Gladeana has to be one of the most supportive, intelligent and able individuals I have ever met. She was able to understand me quickly and provide me with ways of looking at myself differently. One of the things I liked most about working with Gladeana was her flexible and yet structured approach. My life is now a life and not just an existence. I would highly recommend her.”C.J. Canterbury, Kent

I had heard about Gladeana but because I lived so far away was not able to meet her personally. I emailed her after reading an article she had written and discovered she offered Telephone and Skype Coaching so I made contact with her. I am so glad I did as she has changed my life. Since working with her I have managed to gain two promotions at work. I have always been an anxious person who lacked confidence and would get stressed easily. Gladeana has helped me overcome many things I never thought I could and has made me happier and more successful.”P.W. Manchester

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