Category Archives: Coaching Tools

What Do Transference and Counter Transference Mean?

Transference and Counter Transference are not the easiest of concepts to understand and many new coaches find these difficult. The term transference originates from Psychodynamic Therapy where it is defined as a client’s unconscious conflicts that can cause problems in everyday life. It is where the individual transfers feelings and attitudes from a person or…

Should Coaches Train to use Psychometric Tools?

There are two types of coaches, those who are trained in using psychometric tools and those who are not but have contacts with those who are. At the moment if you are interested in training in using a psychometric tool you will need to be BPS (British Psychological Society) Level A and Level B Accredited. No…

Be a Player not an Observer (during your mid-life crisis)

Take control of your life and become an active player rather than someone watching from the sidelines. If you want something to happen then see how you can make it happen. When you find yourself thinking “if only”, “I wish” or “wouldn’t it be nice”, stop and ask yourself how you can get some, if…

Coping With a Mid-Life Crisis

The following article was originally published in a national newspaper. As midlife eventually comes all of us and some of you may be working with coaching clients who view it as a crisis time, I hope you will find ideas here to help them. There comes a time when we look in the mirror and…

Behavioural Contracting – Confidentiality & Feedback

The dilemma when undertaking coaching in organisations is the need for such organisations to have some form of feedback and the need for confidentiality to be maintained with the client. During the contracting process it is important for all parties to agree the feedback and confidentiality agreement. Feedback may not be deemed essential to all…

Organisational Contracting

Organisations may request some feedback on workplace coaching assignments, but in order to safeguard confidentiality, effective initial contracting issues can help maintain such boundaries. There are a number of professional issues that need to be taken into account when coaching in an organisational setting.  Coaches who work in a business environment are likely to be…

The Art of Story Telling

Executive or Business Coaches sometimes find that their clients have difficulties making presentations. Although there are many courses that focus on the strategies of presentation making – such as the use of PowerPoint, body language and the like very often the importance and impact of using stories to illustrate presentation points or keynote speeches is…

A creative use of the SWOT Analysis in Coaching

The SWOT analysis is usually used as a tool for decision-making in business. The acronym stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and originated from research undertaken at the Stanford Research Institute in the 1960’s (Feisher, C, Bensoussan, B, 2002) The SWOT analysis is often used to help individuals consider the current position of the…