How Onboarding Coaching Can Increase Staff Retention Rates

Onboarding Coaching, often called the first 90 or 100 days, aims to assist employees assimilate the culture, working processes/practices, identify formal and informal networks together with the strengths and weaknesses of the organization as quickly and effective as possible. It helps the individual settle into the new organization while looking for ways to deliver without…

Do Coaches Really Need Insurance?

As someone who was burgled, losing all my personal jewellery accumulated in the form of presents and heirlooms over many years, it was a relief to have a household contents insurance policy. No one could replace the sentimental value of the items but at least there was some recompense. This may be a personal experience…

How to Recognise and Pull Back from Burn-Out

If you recognise yourself in this coach’s question, I hope you will find some practical suggestions in my reply. I am not sure what is happening at the moment. I became a full-time self-employed coach 5 years ago. Since then I have built up a thriving coaching practice. However, recently I have been finding it…

Becoming a Self-Employed Coach

Moving from a part-time coaching practice to full time self-employed status is a big move. The first place to start is by working out how many clients you have and how many you are turning away each month. This tells you that providing referrals stay the same, how long it would take you to reach…

Coaching into Retirement

Here’s a question I received from a fellow coach. I hope you find it, and my reply, useful. I have been a coach for about twenty years, long before coaching became popular. I had been a manager who was introduced to coaching and then set about undertaking courses before finally became a self-employed executive coach….

Business Coaching Has Changed Beyond Recognition

2012 saw the 10th anniversary of the Association for Coaching, not just a celebration of the Association, but a celebration for coaching over the last decade. Coaching has changed considerably since it first started to emerge commercially in the 1970’s. Back then, most people had known coaching only in a sports context, but gradually the…

Resilience Coaching as a Specialism

When more is being asked of individuals in the workplace and, given the current economic climate, resilience is a key topic. Not only is it important to the individual but also to organizations as, now more than ever, organizations require a resilient workforce. There is a growing body of research as to why resilience protects…

Are You Considering Becoming a Coaching Supervisor?

When you are a good coach with a wealth of experience, you might want to consider becoming a coaching supervisor. At one level this is easy as all you need to do is find a coaching supervision course and coaches who would be prepared to be supervised by you while you are training. Once you…

What is the Best Way of Working with Other Coaches?

Here’s a question I heard from a coach recently during a Supervision Meeting:  I set up a part-time coaching practice about a year ago which is going well. I negotiated with my current employer to work 3 days a week which has helped me build my coaching business. During the past six months I have…

How to Handle Split Loyalties as a Coach

I received this question from an Executive Coach recently: I am coaching a CIO (Chief Information Officer) and he told me he is biding his time before he leaves the organization. The annual bonuses come out in February and he is staying until then to ensure he gets his. I feel uncomfortable knowing that he…